
Frictions 留め縄 (Tomenawa) are loose ties used in situations where the ropes are friction, tension, and change of direction. These ties are practical and comfortable to use because they are not a complete knot and do not form a fixed bond. They are also used to continue tying and for decoration purposes.

The most commonly used frictions (Friction / Encounter Nodes)

Reverse Tension
L Friction
X Friction (罰点とめ – Battendome)
Half X Friction
360 Friction (A full turn around the rope)
Turn, Direction
Square Friction (Half-moon | はこ止め – Hakodome)
Half Hitch (竹止め – Takedome)
Figure 8 Friction
Munter Hitch (の止め – Nodome)
Reverse Munter Hitch (うらの止め – Uranodome)

Square Friction (Half-moon | はこ止め – Hakodome)

Practical Tips

You can better understand and improve yourself by working on the following or similar practices.

360 friction

Create a shape by winding your rope completely around the other rope.

Reverse Tension

Create a shape by stretching your rope in reverse to the other rope.

Improve Your Skills

  • Try the knots with different types of rope to see which one holds better.
  • Work randomly with different shapes, increase your speed
  • See how fast you can solve it
  • Understand how many steps are required for each friction knot.

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