- Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Kayganlaştırıcı Jel 50ML 36,00 ₺
Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz,sade ve su bazlıdır.Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır. UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. Aurora Boreale Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness. HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area. WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging. Aurora Boreale простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий. СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке. أورورا بوريل جل مزلق بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح. طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة
In stock
- Vibration Massage Gel, 15 ml 3.119,32 ₺
STRONG STIMULATOR LIQUID VIBRATOR 15 ML Special Gel Liquid VibratorPowered by the Powerful Stimulator of the Liquid Vibrator from Secret Play 15 ml
Shock and pleasure for couples who want new sensations and are ready to try. Would you believe that your body can vibrate? The Advanced Liquid Vibrator Power Stimulator from Secret Play is a product made of natural and cosmetic ingredients.A really powerful liquid vibrator, is an intimate gel that can be used both in pairs and alone. The gel has intense stimulating sensations and very strong vibration waves, which scratch and replace each other, causing creepy and tingling sensations, causing not only excitement but also unique sensations twice as much as the stimulation of intimate zones.
Simple to use, easy to fit into foreplay and intimate play. A few drops from a handy dispenser are enough to feel the WOW effect. Apply the product to intimate areas – the clitoris, the entrance to the vagina and rub in gently with massage movements. Ready, vibrate after 30 seconds.Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Acqua Croccante Efervesan Nemlendiricil Şehvetli Masaj Köpüğü, 150 ml 1.927,93 ₺
Rio’nun plajında bir bardak çilekli kokteylin içinde buz gibi patlayan binlerce kabarcığın cildinize dans ettiğini hayal edin … Orgie Acqua Croccante’nin şehvetli masajı için efervesan bir nemlendirici köpüğün verdiği izlenimler budur.
Rahatlatıcı bir masajı heyecan verici bir samimi oyuna veya yeni duyumları açacak bir deneye dönüştürmek için kullanabilirsiniz — sadece kutuyu sallayın ve kendinize veya partnerinize köpüğü uygulayın.
Tüy kadar hafif olan bileşim, sulu çileklerin baştan çıkarıcı aromasıyla anında ağırlıksız bir köpüğe dönüşür. Köpüğü yavaşça masaj hareketleriyle vücuda dağıtın ve «pop» etkisinin tadını çıkarın. Ciltte yavaş yavaş eriyen köpükteki kabarcıklar birbiri ardına patlayacak ve vücudu hafifçe gıdıklayacaktır.
Kesinlikle güvenli bir bileşim alerjiye neden olmaz, cilde nazikçe bakar, nemlendirir ve tonlandırır. Durulama gerektirmez ve leke bırakmaz.
Orgie ile birlikte bilinmeyenleri yaşayın.Only 1 left in stock
- Pheromone Perfume, For Women, 50 ml 3.203,83 ₺
Have you ever thought about the importance of the sense of smell? Sometimes we don't give it the importance it deserves, but the right perfume is often your best weapon to emphasize your attractiveness.
Kadınların şehvetli parfümü Secret Orchid, yer mantarından elde edilen doğal bir cinsel cezbedici ile çekiciliğinizi artırır, güveninizi artırır ve sizi başkalarının gözünde daha heyecanlı, baştan çıkarıcı ve arzulanan biri yapar. Trüf mantarının biyolojik parçacıkları aroması ile doğal bir şekilde cinsel isteği uyandırır. En sıcak ve en şehvetli koku.
Siyah orkide ve vanilyanın karşı konulamaz aroması ve sofistikeliğine ek olarak, sadece iki uygulama sizi gün boyu güzel kokulu bırakmak için yeterli olacaktır. İyi bir hediye yapmak ya da sadece kendinizi takdir etmek için mükemmeldir çünkü onu o kadar çok seveceksiniz ki kendinizi koklamaktan vazgeçmeyeceksiniz.
“Sprey” sistemli konteyner Kolay Uygulama Kapasite: 50ml Siyah orkide ve vanilya kokusu Kadın için
Referans: 3496 EAN: 8435097834962 Ağırlık: 0,14kg / 140gOnly 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY AFRODITA Feromonlu Losyon,Kadınlar İçin, 50 ml 3.215,92 ₺
Yumuşak bir cilde sahip olmanın güzellik ve şehvetle eş anlamlı olduğunu biliyor muydunuz? Ama her şeyden önce ve aynı zamanda çok önemli olan, hidrasyon ve sağlıktır. Sadece dokunma duyusunu değil koku alma duyusunu da keskinleştiren bu losyon sayesinde tüm vücutta ipeksi bir cilde kavuşmak çok kolay. Bu losyon, cildiniz için yumuşaklık ve nemlendirme ile koklamaktan vazgeçmek istemeyeceğiniz enfes bir kokunun birleşimidir.
Afrodit ipek cilt kadınsı vücut losyonu, yer mantarından elde edilen doğal cinsel çekiciliğe sahip, çekiciliğinizi vurgular, güveninizi artırır ve sizi başkalarının gözünde daha heyecanlı, baştan çıkarıcı ve arzulanan biri yapar. Trüf mantarının biyolojik parçacıkları aroması ile doğal bir şekilde cinsel isteği uyandırır. Karamelin karşı konulamaz aroması ve sofistike olmasının yanı sıra cildinize sadece bir veya birkaç uygulama gün boyu nemli ve yumuşak hissetmeniz için yeterli olacaktır.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY AFRODİTA Feromonlu Sprey,Kadınlar İçin, 20 ml 1.859,51 ₺
Have you ever thought about the importance of the sense of smell? Sometimes we don't give it the importance it deserves, but the right perfume is often your best weapon to emphasize your attractiveness.
Karamelin karşı konulamaz aroması ve sofistike olmasının yanı sıra, gün boyu mis gibi kokmanız için sadece iki uygulama yeterli olacaktır. İyi bir hediye yapmak ya da sadece kendinizi takdir etmek için mükemmeldir çünkü onu o kadar çok seveceksiniz ki kendinizi koklamaktan vazgeçmeyeceksiniz. Ancak formatı nedeniyle her yere yanınızda götürmek için de mükemmeldir.
Afrodit kadınsı şehvetli yağ parfümü, trüf mantarından elde edilen doğal bir cinsel cezbedici ile çekiciliğinizi artırır, güveninizi artırır ve sizi başkalarının gözünde daha heyecanlı, baştan çıkarıcı ve arzulanan biri yapar. Trüf mantarının biyolojik parçacıkları aroması ile doğal bir şekilde cinsel isteği uyandırır.
"Roll-on" sistemi ile paketleme
Easy Application
Kapasite: 20ml Nereye giderseniz gidin yanınızda götürmek için mükemmel Sadece harici kullanım için kozmetik ürünOnly 1 left in stock
- ORGIE SENSFEEL For Woman Feromonlu Parfüm, kadınlar için, 50 ml 3.702,92 ₺
Gezegendeki her kadın seksi, ama herkes potansiyelini ortaya çıkaramaz. Orgie kadınların fiziksel çekiciliğini nasıl artıracağını ve erkeklerin dikkatini nasıl çekeceğini bilir.
Sensfeel For Woman feromonlu parfümü sayesinde karşı cinsten ilgi ve cazibe artmaktadır. Parfümeri bileşiminin özel formülü, beyaz yasemin ve keçiboynuzu fasulyesinin iki bileşeninin kopulini taklit ederek etkileşimleri yoluyla kadınların fiziksel çekiciliğini artıran doğal olarak aktif bir bileşen içerir.
Copulin, serbest bırakıldığında aynı türden insanlar arasındaki kimyasal etkileşime katkıda bulunan vücut tarafından üretilen bir dizi algılanamayan ve kokusuz madde olan bir kadın cinsel feromondur. Çiçek ve meyveli notalarla klasik, hafif, tatlı ve sıcak bir koku. Zengin kompozisyon tutkulu maceralara davet ediyor ve erkekleri daha fazla dikkatini çekiyor.
Maksimum etki için yoğun kan dolaşımına sahip.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY ORCHID Perfume Oil, women's perfume, 20 ml 1.859,51 ₺
Have you ever thought about the importance of the sense of smell? Sometimes we don't give it the importance it deserves, but the right perfume is often your best weapon to emphasize your attractiveness.
Yer mantarından elde edilen doğal cinsel çekiciliğe sahip Secret Orchid şehvetli yağ kadın parfümü, çekiciliğinizi artırır, güveninizi artırır ve sizi başkalarının gözünde daha heyecanlı, baştan çıkarıcı ve arzulanan biri yapar. Trüf mantarının biyolojik parçacıkları aroması ile doğal bir şekilde cinsel isteği uyandırır. Formatı sayesinde çantanızda yanınıza almak için mükemmeldir. En sıcak ve en şehvetli koku.
Siyah orkide ve vanilyanın karşı konulamaz aroması ve sofistikeliğine ek olarak, sadece iki uygulama sizi gün boyu güzel kokulu bırakmak için yeterli olacaktır. İyi bir hediye yapmak ya da sadece kendinizi takdir etmek için mükemmeldir çünkü onu o kadar çok seveceksiniz ki kendinizi koklamaktan vazgeçmeyeceksiniz.
"Roll-on" sistemi ile paketleme
Easy Application
Kapasite: 20ml Nereye giderseniz gidin yanınızda götürmek için idealOnly 1 left in stock
- Lubrıcant Soğutucu, Su Bazlı, 100 ml 366,74 ₺
Erotist Cooling water-based lubricant will help you spend as much time as possible with your partner, as the slightly cooling effect of this lubricant prolongs and enhances the pleasure of intimacy.
Evet, evet! Cinsel ilişki uzar ve duyumlar daha keskin olur. Sanki samimi oyuna bir esinti katılmış gibi görünüyor … Ve kayganlaştırıcının ağırlıksız dokusu zevki arttırıyor.
Erotist Cooling lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.Only 1 left in stock
- Lubrıcant Soğutucu, Su Bazlı, 250 ml 982,08 ₺
Erotist Cooling water-based lubricant will help you spend as much time as possible with your partner, as the slightly cooling effect of this lubricant prolongs and enhances the pleasure of intimacy.
Evet, evet! Cinsel ilişki uzar ve duyumlar daha keskin olur. Sanki samimi oyuna bir esinti katılmış gibi görünüyor … Ve kayganlaştırıcının ağırlıksız dokusu zevki arttırıyor.
Erotist Cooling lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.Only 1 left in stock
- Lubrıcant NEUTRAL, Su Bazlı , 250 ml 946,24 ₺
What could be more beautiful than two lovers embracing after intimacy?
Only one thing – no need to rush to wash off previously applied intimate means!
To ensure that this problem never arises, we recommend using a classic Erotist Neutral water-based lubricant.
It dries after a few minutes of «rubbing in» and provides pleasant hydration to the skin without leaving a sticky effect.
Erotic Neutral lubricant After a comfortable sex, only the same closeness remains…
Erotist Neutral lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY LIP GLOSS Lip Gloss Set, 24 pcs 24.717,04 ₺
Increase your sales with this participant!
4 refs.
3653 Lip gloss vivid kiss Strawberry gum 4 pcs ref.
3654 Lip gloss vivid kiss Mint 4 pcs ref.
3655 Lip gloss vivid kiss Brownie 4 pcs ref.
3657 Lip gloss vivid kiss Cola 4 pcs ref.
3658 Lip gloss vivid kiss Sweet Popcorn 4 pcs ref.
3687 Lip gloss vivid kiss Pina Colada
If you want to give a spicy and different touch to your relationships, with this vibrant kiss lip gloss your partner will be able to enjoy a lot by experiencing the unimaginable pleasure sensations produced by the vibration waves.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Delaying Lubricant Gel, for men, 15 ml 2.080,88 ₺
This is where you can extend your passionate moments retarder Leave your headaches behind with the gel because sex is something to be enjoyed. What could be better if it has intensity, power and lasts longer? lubricant The gel allows you to delay ejaculation and prolong sexual pleasure for both of you. A safe journey towards a more intense and satisfying orgasm. Contains hydroglycolic chamomile and calendula extracts that delay orgasm and mint that has a cooling effect retarder gel. Applied to the erect penis.
Container with "Airless" system Capacity: 15ml Fresh mint scent
Reference: 3119
EAN: 8435097831190
Weight: 0.06kg / 60g
Dimensions: 3.5 (width) x 3.5 (depth) x 12 (height)
Ingredients: Aqua, Glycerin, Carbomer, Urea, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Arginine, Mentha Arvensis Leaf Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Saccharin, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Limonene.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Cola Flavored Lip Gloss, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and refreshing sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that gloss could please you, in addition to its function of beauty and moisturizing your lips, but it does. Thanks to the stimulating vibrating waves of the lip gloss, the LIP gloss LIVE KISS from Secret Play offers a mind-blowing taste with a breathtaking cola aroma and flavor.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Unisex Massage Gel with Vibration Effect, 15 ml 613,39 ₺
UNISEX STIMULATOR LIQUID VIBRATOR 15 ML Secret Play Intimate Gel Liquid Vibrator Liquid Vibrator Unisex Stimulator 15 ml
A novelty for couples who want new sensations and are ready to try. Would you believe that your body can vibrate? The intimate gel Liquid Vibrator Unisex Stimulator with vibration effect from Secret Play is a product made of natural and cosmetic ingredients.
Liquid vibrator, is an intimate gel that can be used both in pairs and alone. The gel has stimulating sensations and vibration waves, scratching and alternating with each other, causing creepy and tingling, causing not only excitement but also unique sensations from the stimulation of intimate zones.
Simple to use, easy to fit into foreplay and intimate play.
A few drops from a handy dispenser are enough to feel the WOW effect. Apply the product to the intimate areas – the clitoris, the entrance to the vagina and rub in gently with massage movements.Only 1 left in stock
ATTENTION - perfumes with the marking!!!
Taboo Equivoque – PERFUME especially for couples who want to share the scent of their love and increase mutual desire.
Aphrodisiac perfumes are the key to attractiveness and charm, because pheromones are derivatives of male and female sex hormones. The principle of their action is natural, like nature itself: the smell affects the subconscious of a person, sending a signal about your sexuality. Everything is natural, intuitive and unobtrusive. Career growth and personal life are provided to you, as well as the success of others, because you intuitively excite, admire, attract, attract. Let your feelings manifest themselves with subtle woody, apple and citrus scents. At the heart of Taboo Equivoque is a fantasy of delicate flowers of white rose, jasmine and sexy amber.
Made in France.Ingredients: Alcohol, Aqua (water), Parfum (fragrance), Citral, Limonene
Only 1 left in stock
ATTENTION - perfumes with the marking!!!
Made in France, this highly sophisticated and sensual feminine fragrance is ideal for enhancing the attraction of a partner. The seductive notes of roses in the top note are revealed in a subtle floral scent with hints of bergamot, patchouli and sensual musk. Due to its high aphrodisiac concentration, just a few drops are enough to cause the strongest sexual attraction in the opposite sex. Men cannot resist it!
Practical and refined in the art of creating exciting fragrances, the manufacturers of the RUF brand have significantly simplified the packaging and design of the bottle to make the fragrance as accessible as possible. The main effort and funds are invested in the unique development of perfumery compositions that enhance the effect of natural pheromones of man.Ingredients: Alcohol, Aqua (water), Parfum (fragrance), Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool
Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Massage Oil Lubricant, 2 in 1, 50 ml 1.392,62 ₺
2-in-1 lubricant collection and heating massage. Flavors for every taste. Sugar-free and paraben-free, ideal for all erogenous zones: nipples, neck, testicles, etc. Thanks to its dual function 2-in-1, it is perfect for both an erotic massage as a massage oil to help with preparations and as a heating lubricant to provide excellent lubrication.
"Airless" system container for easy application
Capacity: 50ml
Aroma: creamy strawberry glycerin based Can be used as massage oil and lubricant Made in Spain
Reference: 3538
EAN: 8435097835389
Weight: 0.1kg / 100g
Dimensions: 3.5 (Ø) (diameter) x 16 (height)
Ingredients: Glycerin, Water, Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, CI14720
How to use: Apply generously to selected area and massage.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Pleasure Enhancing Gel for Couples 3 in 1, 15 ml 2.676,58 ₺
Intimate Pleasure Enhancer Vapor Gel with heated and cooled vibration effect 3 in 1 Triple X 3 in 1 Unisex Pleasure Enhancer Gel, 15 ml by Secret Play
An extreme experience for couples who want new sensations and are ready to try them. Would you believe that your body can tremble? Secret Play's secret weapon for the pleasure and insane power of orgasms is a strengthening gel made of natural and cosmetic ingredients. Triple X combines 3 effects: a cold effect is created, followed by a fiery spicy heat. The climax of all the magic will be a vibration – the trigger, get ready to enter a cosmic pleasure to the most stars. Incredible pleasure of the intimate process, unique sensations that you could not even imagine. The intimate gel can be used both in pairs and alone. Cold and heat, together with vibration waves, roll and alternate with goosebumps and tingles, causing not only excitement, but also unprecedented stimulation of the intimate zones.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Orchid Silk Skin Pheromone Lotion, For Women, 50 ml 3.215,92 ₺
Yumuşak bir cilde sahip olmanın güzellik ve şehvetle eş anlamlı olduğunu biliyor muydunuz? Ama her şeyden önce ve aynı zamanda çok önemli olan, hidrasyon ve sağlıktır. Sadece dokunma duyusunu değil koku alma duyusunu da keskinleştiren bu losyon sayesinde tüm vücutta ipeksi bir cilde kavuşmak çok kolay. Bu losyon, cildiniz için yumuşaklık ve nemlendirme ile koklamaktan vazgeçmek istemeyeceğiniz enfes bir kokunun birleşimidir.
Trüf mantarından elde edilen doğal cinsel çekiciliğe sahip Secret Orchid Silk Skin Kadınsı Vücut Losyonu, çekiciliğinizi artırır, güveninizi artırır ve sizi başkalarının gözünde daha heyecanlı, baştan çıkarıcı ve arzulanan biri yapar. Trüf mantarının biyolojik parçacıkları aroması ile doğal bir şekilde cinsel isteği uyandırır. Siyah orkide ve vanilyanın karşı konulamaz aromasına ve sofistikeliğine ek olarak, cildinize sadece bir veya birkaç uygulama gün boyu nemli ve yumuşak hissetmek için yeterli olacaktır.Only 1 left in stock
ATTENTION - perfumes with the marking!!!
Sevgiden ilham alan bu özel ve nazik parfüm sizi romantik bir yolculuğa davet ediyor.
Fransız parfümcüler tarafından yaratılan Taboo FRİVOLE, sandal ağacı ve Ylang Ylang’ın duygusallığının hakim olduğu bir çiçek buketidir.
Parlak ve hafif koku, kadınlığınızı ortaya çıkaracaktır. Yüksek afrodizyak konsantrasyonu nedeniyle, karşı cinsin en güçlü cinsel çekimine neden olmak için sadece birkaç damla yeterlidir. Erkekler buna direnemez!İçindekiler: Alcohol, Aqua (water), Parfum (fragrance), Benzyl Benzoate, Butylphenyl Methylproponial, Cinnamal, Citral, Eugenol, Limonene, Linalool
Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Sexy Vibe High Voltag Vibration Massage Gel, 15 ml 2.644,37 ₺
Orgie Sexy Vibe High Voltage helps you turn a massage into an exciting game that impressively emphasizes your feelings towards your partner. Spread the gel over the body and let the bright vibrating effect increase the pleasure of every touch.
A special blend of herbs from the Amazon increases the skin's sensitivity to caresses. The gel contains only high-quality safe ingredients and does not cause irritation even to the mucous membranes.
Application method: Apply the gel to the massage area and wait a few seconds to feel the tingling.Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Oral Sprey WOW! Soğutma ve heyecan verici etkiye sahip Blowjob Sprey, 10 ml 1.432,87 ₺
Sprey Orgie WOW! Blowjob Sprey, canlandırıcı lolipoplarla ünlü oral okşamaların etkisini yaratır.
Spreyin bir parçası olan mentol ve okaliptüs karışımı, güçlü bir kan akışına neden olur ve hoş bir heyecan verici soğuğa neden olur.
Uygulama metodu: Yakınlıktan hemen önce ağız boşluğuna yeterli miktarda sprey püskürtün.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Lip Gloss Mint Flavored, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and refreshing sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that in addition to the function of beauty and moisturizing your lips, gloss could please you, but it does. Featuring the refreshing vibrating waves of lip gloss, Secret Play's LIP gloss VIVID KISS MINT is filled with mind-blowing mint flavor and scent.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex. An explosive sensation that you will not be able to resist.Only 1 left in stock
Always Pleasure is a firming and feminine product made of natural ingredients that provide a feeling of vaginal relaxation, intensifying the place of the hatches in intimate relationships.
Envase consistema “No air”
Capacity: 15mlReference: 3652
EAN: 8435097836522
Peso: 0.06 kg / 60 gr
Medidas: 3.5 (anchura) x 3.5 (deep) x 12 (altura)
Aqua, Glycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Potassium Cetyl Phosphate, Xanthan Gum, Arginine, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Leaf Extract, Paullinia Cupana Fruit Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Hyaluronic Acid, Lactic Acid, Flavor, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, CI 14720Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE The Secret Pheromone Body and Hair Moisturizing Spray 10 in 1, 150 ml 1.726,69 ₺
Orgie The Secret-10 in 1 multi-functional moisturizing spray is a beauty product that can replace almost anything on your beauty shelf.
The main role is body moisturizer. The spray perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.* Refreshing body spray. Gives a feeling of light coolness and freshness even in hot weather.
* Conditioner. Provides silkiness and softness, facilitates combing and eliminates static.
* Hair protector. Minimizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet light, sea water and hair dryers.
* Orgie The Secret-10 in 1 has an attractive vanilla and strawberry aroma that maintains its durability for 12 hours.
* Stimulating substance. Active pheromones and natural aphrodisiacs in the composition increase desire and increase the degree of sexuality.
* If you use Orgie The Secret-10 in 1 consistently to create lasting associations in certain scenarios, it will bring out the right emotions and moods when needed.
* Mood enhancing Spray.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Vibration Effect Massage Gel, warmer, 15 ml 690,67 ₺
HOT STIMULATOR LIQUID VIBRATOR 15 ML Intimate gel liquid vibrator Liquid Vibrator Hot Stimulator from Secret Play with warming effect 15 ml
Perfect for couples who want new sensations and are ready to try. Would you believe that your body can vibrate? The Liquid Vibrator Hot Stimulator from Secret Play is a product made of natural and cosmetic ingredients.
The warming fluid vibrator is an intimate gel that can be used both in pairs and alone. The creamy aroma of strawberries and the heat effect with pulsating waves, goosebumps and tingles that surround and replace each other, cause not only excitement but also unique sensations from the stimulation of intimate zones.
Simple to use, easy to fit into foreplay and intimate play.
A few drops from a handy dispenser are enough to feel the WOW effect. Apply the product to the intimate areas – the clitoris, the entrance to the vagina and rub in gently with massage movements. Get ready, after 30 seconds the vibration effect will seamlessly cover you with excitement.Only 1 left in stock
- Erotist Lubricant Coolant, Water Based, 400 ml 848,29 ₺
Erotist Cooling water-based lubricant will help you spend as much time as possible with your partner, as the slightly cooling effect of this lubricant prolongs and enhances the pleasure of intimacy.
Yes, yes! The sexual intercourse becomes longer and the sensations become sharper. It seems as if a breeze has been added to the intimate game…
And the weightless texture of the lubricant enhances the pleasure.
Erotist Cooling lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY LUBRICANTE WHISKEY & COLA Lubricant, 60 ml 1.348,34 ₺
Secret Play lubricants are perfect for solo or partnered pleasure. All erogenous zones, nipples, neck, testicles,… These creamy lubricant balms will fascinate you with their texture as well as their delicious taste that you will not be able to resist. Get drunk on love! This multi-purpose lubricant Combine sexual games with.
%100 yenilebilir "Disc Top" sistemli konteyner kolay uygulama
Capacity: 60ml (58 grams)
Flavor: Whiskey and Cola Alcohol: %0.0 glycerin based
Compatible with condoms and toys
Reference: 3678 EAN: 8435097836782
Weight: 0.06kg / 60g
Dimensions: 3 (Ø) (diameter) x 12 (height)Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Popcorn Flavored Lip Gloss, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and refreshing sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that gloss could please you in addition to its function of beautifying and moisturizing your lips, but it does. With its refreshing pulsating waves of lip gloss, Secret Play's LIP GLASS offers a refreshing lip gloss with the breathtaking taste and aroma of LIVE KISS POPCORN.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex.Only 1 left in stock
An intense fragrance for a provocative and seductive woman, ready to dive into unlimited temptation.
Contains aphrodisiac for sexual awakening
VANILLA / AMBER / MUSK IS USED IN THE BASIC NOTEIngredients: Alcohol, Aqua (water), Parfum (fragrance), Linalool, Limonene, Coumarin, Citronellol.
Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Nipples and Private Area Lubricating Gel, Chocolate, 60 ml 1.348,34 ₺
Who skips sugar? Is chocolate your downfall too? Well, dare to try this delicious chocolate and hazelnut combination. This lubricant jeller, partnerinizi yalamaktan vazgeçmek istemeyeceğiniz tatlı ve lezzetli tatları ile zevkle erimeniz için birebir. %100 yenilebilirler ve tüm erojen bölgeler, göğüs uçları, boyun, testisler için ideal olduklarından partnerinizin vücudunu onlarla kaplayabilirsiniz… Bu kremsi kayganlaştırıcı jeller, dokularının yanı sıra karşı koyamayacağınız lezzetli tatlarıyla sizi büyüleyecek. Kendinizi aşkla tatlandırın!
%100 yenilebilir "Disc Top" sistemli konteyner kolay uygulama
Capacity: 60 ml (55 grams) Flavor: Hazelnut chocolate glycerin based Compatible with condoms and toys
Combine sexual play with this multipurpose lubricant.
Reference: 3673
EAN: 8435097836737
Weight: 0.06kg / 60g
Dimensions: 3 (Ø) (diameter) x 12 (height)Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Sexy Vibe Liquid Vibration Massage Gel, 15 ml 2.129,18 ₺
The Orgie Sexy Vibe Liquid Vibrator helps you turn a massage into an exciting game that impressively emphasizes your feelings towards your partner. Spread the gel over the body and let its vibrating effect increase the pleasure of every touch.
A special blend of herbs from the Amazon increases the skin's sensitivity to caresses. The gel contains only high-quality safe ingredients and does not cause irritation even to the mucous membranes.
Application method: Apply the gel to the massage area and wait a few seconds to feel a tingling sensation.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY AFRODITA Pheromone Perfume for Women, 50 ml 3.203,83 ₺
Have you ever thought about the importance of the sense of smell? Sometimes we don't give it the importance it deserves, but the right perfume is often your best weapon to emphasize your attractiveness.
The sensual feminine perfume of Aphrodite has a natural sexual attraction derived from truffles, it emphasizes your attractiveness, increases your confidence and makes you more exciting, seductive and desirable in the eyes of others. The biological particles of the truffle, together with its aroma, naturally stimulate sexual desire thanks to its aroma and the attractive properties of the truffle.
In addition to the irresistible aroma and sophistication of caramel, only two applications will be enough to have you smelling wonderful all day long. It is perfect to make a good gift or just to appreciate yourself because you will love it so much that you will not stop smelling it.
Container with "Spray" system
Easy Application
Capacity: 50ml Sweet caramel scent For women
Reference: 3172
EAN: 8435097831725
Weight: 0.14kg / 140gOnly 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Chocolate Chip Cookie Flavored Lip Gloss, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that in addition to the function of beauty and moisturizing your lips, gloss could please you, but it does. With the stimulating vibrating waves of lip gloss, Secret Play's LIP gloss LIVE KISS BROWNIE has a mind-blowing taste with a dazzling taste and aroma.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex. An explosive sensation that you will not be able to resist.Only 1 left in stock
- Hyaluronic Body Gel, 150 ml 139,26 ₺
Intimate hygiene gel with hyaluronic acid is suitable for daily use for those who want to take care of the condition of the skin, and not only of the visible parts of the body.
Sodium hyaluronate increases skin firmness and elasticity and has a general rejuvenating effect.
Bioantioxidant complex "Neovitin"® strengthens the skin's natural protective reaction and slows down aging, has a pronounced soothing effect.
It moisturizes the skin in private areas of the body and is suitable for daily use.
The composition includes 2 ingredients specially formulated to slow down skin aging. Gently cleanses intimate areasOnly 1 left in stock
- Erotist Lubricant NEUTRAL, Silicone Based, 100 ml 1.618,02 ₺
Sex for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Easy — with Erotist NEUTRAL.
Its silicone-based formula ensures a long-lasting, pleasant glide and also protects against microcracks.
The lubricant has a neutral odor and does not leave marks on clothes. It does not hurt even with a condom.
Erotist Neutral lubricant has a silicone base: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.
Not compatible with silicone sex toys.Only 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Sexy Vibe Intense Orgasm Massage Gel with Warming and Cooling Effect, 15 ml 2.616,20 ₺
Orgie Sexy Vibe Intense Orgasm helps you turn a massage into a game that impressively emphasizes your feelings towards your partner. Spread the gel over the body and let the bright vibration and perceptible cooling-warming effect increase the tactile pleasure.
A special blend of herbs from the Amazon increases the skin's sensitivity to caresses. The gel contains only high-quality safe ingredients and does not cause irritation even to the mucous membranes.
Application method: Apply the gel to the massage area and wait a few seconds to feel a tingling sensation.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Vibrant Kiss Lip Gloss, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Perhaps before you saw this gloss, you hadn’t thought that a gloss could give you pleasure in addition to its function of leaving your lips beautiful and moist, but thanks to the stimulating vibration waves of the Lip Gloss Vibrant Kiss, it is. Enjoy this lip gloss that you can experience unimaginable pleasures by applying a small dose of this lip gloss to your lips and vice versa. What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips, and vibration waves that the other person will feel in their intimate area when you perform oral sex. An explosive sensation that you both will not be able to resist.
The vibration waves produce a pleasant tickling sensation that helps stimulate the senses and increases pleasure by increasing sensitivity. Did you ever think that such a polish would come into your life that would make you love oral sex even more?Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY RELAX Relaxing Anal Gel, 15 ml 2.423,00 ₺
Anal gel RELAX! ANAL GEL 15 ML
Anal sex is one of the most pleasurable sexual practices, but to fully enjoy the process you need to be completely relaxed and excited.
Anal gel RELAX! The perfect complement to intimate play from Secret Play. Relax and have fun, whether you are a beginner or an experienced partner – everyone needs relaxation. The gel has a pleasant texture, which relaxes the muscles and tissues of the anal opening and makes them elastic. Anal caresses and penetration become more enjoyable and exciting.
Apply a small amount of gel to the anal area with massaging movements, leave it on for a few minutes and start experiencing new sensations of intimacy. The natural ingredients of the gel work to soothe, moisturize and care for the sensitive tissues of the anus.
A handy dispenser bottle, economical consumption and effective relaxation – this gel RELAX! ANAL GEL 15 ML will not leave you indifferent. Enjoy unlimited anal caress.
Capacity with distributor
Volume: 15ml.
Ease of use Brand country SpainOnly 1 left in stock
- ORGIE Sexy Vibe Electric Fellatio Vibration Effect Lip Gloss, 10 ml 1.758,89 ₺
Can kisses cause electric sparks and Brazilian-like passion? Yes, complete with the pulsating lip gloss of Orgie Sexy Vibe Electric Fellatio.
* The feature of the gloss is the composition of the astringency of rare Brazilian forest plants, which creates a tingling and at the same time vibrating effect on the lips. This pleasant feeling is easily transmitted to the partner when kissing, making them exciting and attractive.
* The gloss perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the lips thanks to the Akmella extract in the composition - a flower beloved by the inhabitants of hot Brazil. The plumping effect is noticeable with daily use.
* The gloss contains only safe and high-quality ingredients that do not cause irritation even to the mucous membranes. This means that your kisses can be as intimate as possible.
Give your emotions an orgie.Only 1 left in stock
- SECRET PLAY Lip Gloss Vibrant Kiss' Strawberry Gum Flavored Lip Gloss, 6 gr 1.026,36 ₺
Perhaps before you saw this gloss, you hadn’t thought that a gloss could give you pleasure in addition to its function of leaving your lips beautiful and moist, but thanks to the stimulating vibration waves of the Lip Gloss Vibrant Kiss, it is. Enjoy this lip gloss that you can experience unimaginable pleasures by applying a small dose of this lip gloss to your lips or vice versa to your inner lip. What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips, and vibration waves that the other person will feel in their intimate area when you perform oral sex. An explosive sensation that you both will not be able to resist.
The vibration waves produce a pleasant tickling sensation that helps stimulate the senses and increases pleasure by increasing sensitivity. Did you ever think that such a polish would come into your life that would make you love oral sex even more?Only 1 left in stock
- Vagifirming Vagina Tightening Cream 396,00 ₺
Vagifirming Vagina Tightening Cream
Apply the product to the vaginal area and wait for it to be absorbed. It will take effect in 15-20 minutes. Store in cool and dry places, out of reach of children.
In stock
- Q Liquids Exotic Strawberry Flavored 125 ML Water Based Lubricant Gel 228,00 ₺
Q Liquids Exotic Strawberry Flavored 125 ML Water Based Lubricant Gel
It provides an effect similar to the lubrication naturally produced by the vagina.
Real Slickness.
Ultra Performance.
Long lasting.
Does not contain dyes
Strawberry Flavored
Does not stick.
Water based
Product container dildo,suitable for use as an anal plugIn stock
- Porcodile Glide Water Based Lubricating Gel 50 ml 326,40 ₺
Porcodile Water Based Lubricant Gel is water-based, colorless and odorless. It helps reduce dryness with its long-lasting lubricant feature and relaxing effect. Dermatological and clinical tests have been conducted. It is compatible with condoms and pH balanced. Suitable for use with fantasy toys. Package Quantity: 50 ml
In stock