Best Man Anal Lubricant Gel 150 ml
280,56 ₺
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Best Man Anal Lubricant Gel 150 ml
Best Man water based anal lubricant gel products are medically approved, dermatologically and clinically tested, body safe and % 100 condom compatible.
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Best Man Anal Lubricant Gel 150 ml
Best Man su bazlı anal lubricant jel ürünleri medikal onaylı, dermatolojik ve klinik testli, vücut güvenli ve % 100 prezervatif uyumludur.

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EN: Safex Lube lubricant gel helps relieve symptoms of genital dryness experienced during sexual intercourse.
Provides softer and gentler lubrication when used with a condom. Water Based.
How to use: The required amount of gel is applied on the condom and/or to the genital area.
Content / Ingredients:
Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Glycerin, Mono Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Chocolate Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, Methyl Hydroxybenzoate, Deionized Water
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Erotist Anal silicone-based lubricant was created by order of anal sex fans.
All feedback, requests, comments and even stories from the forums were taken into account in the production of this lubricant.
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Now anal There is no reason to give up sex! Erotist Anal lubricant It has a silicone base: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms, does not leave marks and is easily washed with water.
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Length 15.5cm, Width 7cm, 89ml
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Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz,sade ve su bazlıdır.Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır. UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. Aurora Boreale Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness. HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area. WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging. Aurora Boreale простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий. СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке. أورورا بوريل جل مزلق بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح. طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة
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EN: Safex Lube lubricant gel helps relieve symptoms of genital dryness experienced during sexual intercourse.
Provides softer and gentler lubrication when used with a condom. Water Based.
How to use: The required amount of gel is applied on the condom and/or to the genital area.
Content / Ingredients:
Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Glycerin, Mono Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Strawberry Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, Methyl Hydroxybenzoate, Deionized Water
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Safex Lube Lubricant Gel Peach 85 ml.
EN: Safex Lube lubricant gel helps relieve symptoms of genital dryness experienced during sexual intercourse.
Provides softer and gentler lubrication when used with a condom. Water Based.
How to use: The required amount of gel is applied on the condom and/or to the genital area.
Content / Ingredients:
Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Glycerin, Mono Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Peach Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, Methyl Hydroxybenzoate, Deionized Water
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