Truth or Dare Erotic Board Game Renewed 4th version
960,00 ₺
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Renewed… Now in 3 Languages Turkish English and Russian. All game cards have been renewed and Penalty Cards have been added.
Truth or Dare 4 requires 3 or more players. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and drawing the truth, dare or penalty card that appears on the board. Our Truth or Dare 4 game is for adults only. All players must consent before starting the game. If you want an exciting and different experience, then Truth or Dare is the game you need.
Players sit in a circle or in one place at the table.
·Each player takes turns rolling the dice and draws a truth, dare or penalty card from where they are moving on the board and does what is written on the card. Those who do not want to perform the task on the truth or dare cards must draw a penalty card.
·After the task is completed, the question is answered or the penalty is applied, the next person rolls the dice again and the game continues.
Asking the Truth Question
If you chose the truth card, you have to answer the card correctly. You have to convince the other players in your group. If you do not want to answer the question, you have to draw a penalty card.
Courage Mission
If you chose the courage card, you have to do the task on the card. If you don't want to do the task on the card, you have to draw a penalty card.
Punishment Duty
This card is the task that will be performed when you do not want to do one of the Truth or Dare tasks, or if you reach the penalty area on the board.
The “Truth or Dare 4” game requires 3 or more players. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and picks a truth, dare, orpenalty card from the spot they land on. Our “Truth or Dare 4″ game is for adults only. Before the game, all players must give their consent. If you are looking for an exciting and unique experience, then “Truth or Dare” is just the game you need.
– Players sit in a circle or around a table in onespot.
– Each player rolls the dice in turn and picks a truth, dare, or penalty card from the space they land on, following the instructions on the card. If a player doesn't want to complete a task from the truth or darecards, they must draw a penalty card.
– After the task is completed, the question is answered, or the penalty is carried out, the next player rolls the dice, and the gamecontinues.
If you choose a truth card, you must answer the questionhonestly. You need to convince the other players in your group. If you don't want to answer the question, you must draw a penalty card.
If you choose a dare card, you must perform the task written on the card. If you don't want to complete the task, you must draw a penalty card.
This card is used if you don't want to complete either atruth or dare task or if you land on a penalty space on the board.
Игра “Правда или вызов 4″ требует участия 3 иболее игроков. Каждый игрок по очереди бросает кубик и берет карту с правдой,вызовом или наказанием с того места, на которое он попал. In the first place, 4” pre-existence occurred. Pered началомиры все игроки долны дать своё согласие. If it is done, it is not possible to do it. вызов” — это именно та игра, котораявам нужна.
– Iroki side and в кругу или за столом в одном месте.
– Каждый игрок по очереди бросает кубик и берет карту справдой, In the following way, на карте. If you don't know how to play a card, он должен взять карту наказания.
– On the following page: выполнено, следующий игрок бросает кубик, и игра продолжается.
In the first place, the car is used, and the car is used. вопрос. Now there is a new group of people. There is no room, no car park nakazania.
In the first place, in the car park, in the car park, указанное на рте. In the hotel room, in the car park nakazania.
This map is free, easy to use, and free of charge. карт правды или вызова, либо если вы попали на клетку с наказаниеem на игровомполе.
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Yenilendi… Artık 3 Dilde Türkçe İngilizce ve Rusça. Tüm oyun kartları yenilendi Ceza Kartları eklendi
Doğruluk mu Cesaret mi 4 oyunu, 3 veya daha fazla oyuncugerektirir. Her oyuncu sırayla zar atar ve panoda ilerlediği yerdeki doğruluk,cesaret ya da ceza kartını çeker. Doğruluk mu Cesaret mi 4 oyunumuz sadeceyetişkinler içindir. Oyuna başlamadan önce tüm oyuncuların rızası olmalıdır.Heyecanlı ve farklı bir deneyim yaşam istiyorsanız, o zaman, Doğruluk muCesaret mi tamda ihtiyacınız olan oyundur.
·Oyuncular daire içinde veya masada tek bir yerde oturur.
·Her oyuncu sırayla zar atar ve panoda ilerlediği yerdekidoğruluk, cesaret ya da ceza kartını çeker ve kartta yazılanı yapar. Doğrulukveya Cesaret kartlarındaki görevi gerçekleştirmek istemeyen, ceza kartı çekmekzorundadır.
·Görev tamamlandıktan, soru cevaplandıktan ya da cezauygulandıktan sonra tekrardan sıradaki kişi zarını atar ve oyun devam eder.
Doğruluk Sorusu Sorma
Eğer doğruluk kartını seçtiyseniz, kartta yazılanı doğrucevaplamak zorundasınız. Grubunuzdaki diğer oyuncuları ikna etmelisiniz. Soruyucevaplamak istemiyorsanız ceza kartı çekmelisiniz.
Cesaret Görevi
Eğer cesaret kartını seçtiyseniz, karttaki görevi yapmakzorundasınız. Karttaki görevi yapmak istemiyorsanız ceza kartı çekmelisiniz.
Ceza Görevi
Bu kart, Doğruluk ya da Cesaret görevlerinden birini yapmakistemediğinizde veya panoda ceza bölümüne gelirseniz uygulanacak görevdir.
The “Truth or Dare 4” game requires 3 or moreplayers. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and picks a truth, dare, orpenalty card from the spot they land on. Our “Truth or Dare 4″ gameis for adults only. Before starting the game, all players must give theirconsent. If you are looking for an exciting and unique experience, then”Truth or Dare” is just the game you need.
– Players sit in a circle or around a table in onespot.
– Each player rolls the dice in turn and picks a truth,dare, or penalty card from the space they land on, following the instructionson the card. If a player doesn’t want to complete a task from the truth or darecards, they must draw a penalty card.
– After the task is completed, the question is answered, orthe penalty is carried out, the next player rolls the dice, and the gamecontinues.
If you choose a truth card, you must answer the questionhonestly. You need to convince the other players in your group. If you don’twant to answer the question, you must draw a penalty card.
If you choose a dare card, you must perform the task writtenon the card. If you don’t want to complete the task, you must draw a penaltycard.
This card is used if you don’t want to complete either atruth or dare task or if you land on a penalty space on the board.
Игра “Правда или вызов 4″ требует участия 3 иболее игроков. Каждый игрок по очереди бросает кубик и берет карту с правдой,вызовом или наказанием с того места, на которое он попал. Наша игра”Правда или вызов 4” предназначена только для взрослых. Перед началомигры все игроки должны дать своё согласие. Если вы ищете захватывающий иуникальный опыт, то “Правда или вызов” — это именно та игра, котораявам нужна.
– Игроки сидят в кругу или за столом в одном месте.
– Каждый игрок по очереди бросает кубик и берет карту справдой, вызовом или наказанием с того места, на которое он попал, следуяинструкциям на карте. Если игрок не хочет выполнять задание из карт правды иливызова, он должен взять карту наказания.
– После того как задание выполнено, вопрос отвечен илинаказание выполнено, следующий игрок бросает кубик, и игра продолжается.
Если вы выбираете карту с правдой, вы должны честно ответитьна вопрос. Вам нужно убедить остальных игроков в группе. Если вы не хотитеотвечать на вопрос, вы должны взять карту наказания.
Если вы выбираете карту с вызовом, вы должны выполнитьзадание, указанное на карте. Если вы не хотите выполнять задание, вы должнывзять карту наказания.
Эта карта используется, если вы не хотите выполнять заданиес карт правды или вызова, либо если вы попали на клетку с наказанием на игровомполе.

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