Hyaluronic Body Gel, 150 ml
139,26 ₺
- Sepette %20 İndirim
Intimate hygiene gel with hyaluronic acid is suitable for daily use for those who want to take care of the condition of the skin, and not only of the visible parts of the body.
Sodium hyaluronate increases skin firmness and elasticity and has a general rejuvenating effect.
Bioantioxidant complex "Neovitin"® strengthens the skin's natural protective reaction and slows down aging, has a pronounced soothing effect.
It moisturizes the skin in private areas of the body and is suitable for daily use.
The composition includes 2 ingredients specially formulated to slow down skin aging. Gently cleanses intimate areas
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Hyaluronik asit içeren samimi hijyen jeli, vücudun sadece görünen kısımlarının değil, cildin durumuna dikkat çekmek isteyen kişilere günlük kullanım için uygundur.
Sodyum hiyalüronat cildin sıkılığını ve elastikiyetini arttırır ve genel olarak gençleştirici bir etkiye sahiptir.
Biyoantioksidan kompleksi "Neovitin"® Cildin doğal koruyucu reaksiyonunu güçlendirir ve yaşlanmayı yavaşlatır, belirgin bir yatıştırıcı etkiye sahiptir.
Vücudun özel bölgelerindeki cildi nemlendirir ve Günlük kullanım için uygundur.
Bileşimde cildin yaşlanmasını yavaşlatmak için özel olarak formüle edilmiş 2 bileşen bulunur. Samimi alanları nazikçe temizler

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If you want to give a spicy and different touch to your relationships, with this vibrant kiss lip gloss your partner will be able to enjoy a lot by experiencing the unimaginable pleasure sensations produced by the vibration waves.
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Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz,sade ve su bazlıdır.Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır. UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. Aurora Boreale Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness. HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area. WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging. Aurora Boreale простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий. СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке. أورورا بوريل جل مزلق بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح. طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة
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At least 10 minutes before sexual intercourse, the body and head of the penis should be sprayed with Stag 9000 Spray and rubbed with the hand until the liquid is completely absorbed. The recommended amount of use is to spray the spray twice on the head of the penis and 3 times on the body. The amount can be increased according to the person's use.
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Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and refreshing sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that gloss could please you, in addition to its function of beauty and moisturizing your lips, but it does. Thanks to the stimulating vibrating waves of the lip gloss, the LIP gloss LIVE KISS from Secret Play offers a mind-blowing taste with a breathtaking cola aroma and flavor.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex.
Only 1 left in stock
Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that in addition to the function of beauty and moisturizing your lips, gloss could please you, but it does. With the stimulating vibrating waves of lip gloss, Secret Play's LIP gloss LIVE KISS BROWNIE has a mind-blowing taste with a dazzling taste and aroma.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex. An explosive sensation that you will not be able to resist.
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Cabs Glide Water Based Lubricant Gel 40 ml
Kalıcı etkiye sahip kayganlaştırıcı jel. %100 prezervatif uyumludur. Su bazlıdır ve yağ içermez.
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Q Liquids Exotic Strawberry Flavored 125 ML Water Based Lubricant Gel
It provides an effect similar to the lubrication naturally produced by the vagina.
Real Slickness.
Ultra Performance.
Long lasting.
Does not contain dyes
Strawberry Flavored
Does not stick.
Water based
Product container dildo,suitable for use as an anal plug
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AURORA BOREALE is a plain and water-based lubricant gel.
It helps reduce vaginal dryness with its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect.
Dermatological and clinical tests have been performed.
Prezervatifle %100 uyumludur pH dengelidir.
Suitable for use with all fantasy toys.
It is oil-free and easily dissolves in water.
It should be stored at room temperature and out of reach of children.
For a healthier and more enjoyable sexual life AURORA BOREALE Plain Water based Lubricant You can use the gel safely.
There are 100 pieces of 5 ml lubricant in the box, so the total is 500 ml.
WARNING: Not Edible or Swallowable.
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Juicy, moist lips never pull the kiss. Getting closer … The delicious aroma and refreshing sweet taste of the kiss are felt … What is this? What are the magical feelings that make goosebumps stand on end?
Maybe before you saw this gloss, you didn't think that gloss could please you in addition to its function of beautifying and moisturizing your lips, but it does. With its refreshing pulsating waves of lip gloss, Secret Play's LIP GLASS offers a refreshing lip gloss with the breathtaking taste and aroma of LIVE KISS POPCORN.
Enjoy this lip gloss where you can experience an unimaginable feeling of pleasure by applying a small dose of this gloss to your lips.
What makes this gloss so appealing is that it contains vibration waves that you will feel a few seconds after applying it to your lips. The other person will also feel them in the intimate area when kissing and performing oral sex.
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Secret Play lubricants are perfect for solo or partnered pleasure. All erogenous zones, nipples, neck, testicles,… These creamy lubricant balms will fascinate you with their texture as well as their delicious taste that you will not be able to resist. Get drunk on love! This multi-purpose lubricant Combine sexual games with.
%100 yenilebilir "Disc Top" sistemli konteyner kolay uygulama
Capacity: 60ml (58 grams)
Flavor: Whiskey and Cola Alcohol: %0.0 glycerin based
Compatible with condoms and toys
Reference: 3678 EAN: 8435097836782
Weight: 0.06kg / 60g
Dimensions: 3 (Ø) (diameter) x 12 (height)
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