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Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Kayganlaştırıcı Jel 50ML
36,00 ₺
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Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz,sade ve su bazlıdır.Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır. UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. Aurora Boreale Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness. HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area. WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging. Aurora Boreale простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий. СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке. أورورا بوريل جل مزلق بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح. طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة
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Aurora Boreale Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz,sade ve su bazlıdır.Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır. UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız. Aurora Boreale Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness. HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area. WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging. Aurora Boreale простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий. СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке. أورورا بوريل جل مزلق بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح. طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة

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What could be more beautiful than two lovers embracing after intimacy?
Only one thing – no need to rush to wash off previously applied intimate means!
To ensure that this problem never arises, we recommend using a classic Erotist Neutral water-based lubricant.
It dries after a few minutes of «rubbing in» and provides pleasant hydration to the skin without leaving a sticky effect.
Erotic Neutral lubricant After a comfortable sex, only the same closeness remains…
Erotist Neutral lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.
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Aurora Boreale Çilek Aromalı;Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz ve Çilek Aromalıdır. Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur.
KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır.
UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız.
Aurora Boreale Strawberry Flavored Lubricant Gel is water-based, colorless and Strawberry Flavored. It helps reduce genital dryness with its long-lasting lubricant feature and relaxing effect.
HOW TO USE: Apply the required amount on the gel condom or to the intima area.
WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep it out of reach of children and in its packaging.
Aurora Boreale клубничный аромат; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и с ароматом клубники. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий.
СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке.
أورورا بوريل كجِل مُرَطِّب بنكهة الفراولة؛ جِل مُرَطِّب قائم على الماء، عديم اللون وبنكهة الفراولة. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح.
طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية.
التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة.
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Viaxi Glide Lubricant Jel Şaset 5×5 ml
Viaxi Glide Kayganlaştırıcı Şaset Jel 5×5 ml, su bazlı, renksiz ve kokusuzdur. Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle vajinal kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur. Dermatolojik ve klinik testlerden geçmiştir.
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Kayganlaştırıcı Jel 100×5 ml.
AURORA BOREALE Çilekli Kayganlaştırıcı Jel,su bazlıdır.
Uzun süre kurumayan lubricant özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle vajinal kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur.
Dermatological and clinical tests have been performed.
Prezervatifle %100 uyumludur pH dengelidir.
Suitable for use with all fantasy toys.
It is oil-free and easily dissolves in water.
It should be stored at room temperature and out of reach of children.
Daha sağlıklı ve keyifli bir cinsel yaşam için AURORA BOREALE Çilekli Kayganlaştırıcı Jel’i güvenle kullanabilirsiniz.
There are 100 pieces of 5 ml lubricant in the box, so the total is 500 ml.
WARNING: Not Edible or Swallowable.
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Aurora Boreale Anal A+ Sade Su Bazlı Lubricant Jel, su bazlı, renksiz sade ve su bazlıdır. Uzun süre kurumayan kayganlaştırıcı özelliği ve rahatlatıcı etkisiyle genital kuruluğu azaltmaya yardımcı olur.
KULLANMA ŞEKLİ: Gerekli miktar jel kondom üzerine ya da intima bölgesine uygulanır.
UYARILAR: Herhangi bir yan etki oluşmasında kullanımı bırakınız. Çocukların ulaşamayı yerlerde ve ambalajında saklayınız.
Aurora Boreale Anal A+ Plain Water-Based Lubricating Gel is water-based, colorless, and plain. Its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect help reduce genital dryness.
HOW TO USE: Apply the necessary amount to a gel condom or the intimate area.
WARNINGS: Discontinue use if any side effects occur. Keep out of reach of children and store in the packaging.
Aurora Boreale Anal A+ простой водный смазочный гель; смазочный гель на водной основе, бесцветный и простой. Благодаря своим долговечным смазывающим свойствам и расслабляющему эффекту помогает уменьшить сухость гениталий.
СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: Нанесите необходимое количество на гелевый презерватив или на область интимы.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ: Прекратите использование, если возникнут какие-либо побочные эффекты. Храните его в недоступном для детей месте и в упаковке.
أورورا بوريل جل مزلق Anal A+ بسيط قائم على الماء؛ جل مزلق عديم اللون وبسيط. يساعد في تقليل جفاف الأعضاء التناسلية بفضل خصائصه المرطبة طويلة الأمد وتأثيره المريح.
طريقة الاستخدام: يتم تطبيق الكمية اللازمة على الواقي الذكري أو على منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية. التحذيرات: في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبية، يُرجى التوقف عن الاستخدام. يُحفظ في أماكن بعيدة عن متناول الأطفال وفي العبوة
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AURORA BOREALE is a plain and water-based lubricant gel.
It helps reduce vaginal dryness with its long-lasting lubricating properties and relaxing effect.
Dermatological and clinical tests have been performed.
Prezervatifle %100 uyumludur pH dengelidir.
Suitable for use with all fantasy toys.
It is oil-free and easily dissolves in water.
It should be stored at room temperature and out of reach of children.
For a healthier and more enjoyable sexual life AURORA BOREALE Plain Water based Lubricant You can use the gel safely.
There are 100 pieces of 5 ml lubricant in the box, so the total is 500 ml.
WARNING: Not Edible or Swallowable.
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Q Liquids Exotic Strawberry Flavored 125 ML Water Based Lubricant Gel
It provides an effect similar to the lubrication naturally produced by the vagina.
Real Slickness.
Ultra Performance.
Long lasting.
Does not contain dyes
Strawberry Flavored
Does not stick.
Water based
Product container dildo,suitable for use as an anal plug
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Prepared with Eromantica's special formula, the Wild Fruit Flavored Forest Fruit water-based lubricant enriches your sexual experience by stimulating your senses. This lubricant gently lubricates your skin with its special blend and adds a special touch to your romantic moments with its unique forest fruit aroma.
Wild Fruit Aroma: The lively and fresh aroma of forest fruits adds a special pleasure to your sexual experience and creates a romantic atmosphere.
Water-Based Formula: Water-based lubricants can be easily cleaned with water and work in harmony with your skin. Suitable for sensitive skin, this formula provides long-lasting lubrication.
100 ml Stylish Packaging: With its portable and stylish packaging, this lubricant, is easy to use and adds a special touch to your romantic moments.
Compatible and Comfortable Use: Its soft and slippery texture makes your sexual experience comfortable. It is compatible with your skin and can be used safely in sensitive areas.
Reliable and Quality: The Eromantica brand is known for its reliable and quality products. The water-based lubricant reflects these standards of the brand and offers a special experience to its users.
Eromantica Water Based Lubricant – Wild Fruit Flavored Forest Fruit enriches your sexual experience and makes your romantic moments more special. Before using sexual health products, it is important to read the product label carefully and use the product correctly.
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Safex Lube Lubricant Gel Plain 85 ml.
EN: Safex Lube lubricant gel helps relieve symptoms of genital dryness experienced during sexual intercourse.
Provides softer and gentler lubrication when used with a condom. Water Based.
How to use: The required amount of gel is applied on the condom and/or to the genital area.
Content / Ingredients: Deionized Water, Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Natural Glycerin, Mono Propylene Glycol, Methyl Hydroxybenzoate, Citric Acid
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Erotist Cooling water-based lubricant will help you spend as much time as possible with your partner, as the slightly cooling effect of this lubricant prolongs and enhances the pleasure of intimacy.
Yes, yes! The sexual intercourse becomes longer and the sensations become sharper. It seems as if a breeze has been added to the intimate game…
And the weightless texture of the lubricant enhances the pleasure.
Erotist Cooling lubricant is water-based: it is hypoallergenic, compatible with condoms and adult toys, does not leave marks and is easily washed off with water.
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