ShibariTurkey continues to provide group shibari training and workshops in Istanbul and sometimes in Izmir and Ankara at regular intervals for the development and understanding of shibari in our country. Apart from group training and workshops, private shibari training and lessons It is given by our trainers. In order for you to participate in our group trainings, “Basic Education – I” You should have started from and not neglected the training.
During the training, we provide the necessary equipment. If you wish, you can purchase your materials from our store.
Please review the following pages before attending our trainings.
Basic training
The purpose of this training is to acquire the first basic information integrated with the tools and equipment to be used.
- Origins of Shibari
- Anatomy, Health and Risks
- A Look at Rope and Rope Types
- Shibari and Communication
- One Floor Preparing and Planning the Scene
- Single & Double Column ties and areas of use
- Single-Limb Techniques & Tips
- Simple Harness
- Determination of practical suggestions and practices
Who Can Participate: Shibari Anyone interested in.
Our training will be given in classes of maximum 12 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questionsYou can look.
Level 2 / NewBee II
Newbee – II class, which will be a transition to the following subjects after Basic Education – I and preparation for the next stage, Shibari understanding of the forms and dynamics of binding.
- Negotiations and Rituals
- Friction Nodes
- Play & Shibari and Body Awareness
- Ichinawa (Single Rope) Technique
- Hojojutsu Introduction to
- Ottoman Empire
- Shibari & Sensation
- Rope Immobilization Introduction to
- Untying & Aftercare
Who Can Participate: Anyone who has received previous education (Basic Education – I).
Training Duration: 8 Hours (4 hours * 2 trainings)
Our Newbee trainings will be given in classes of maximum 10 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.
Level 3 / Nawa III
This is the training that must be taken after Newbee – II training. Shibari It is an introduction to advanced techniques. This training aims to transfer traditional basic techniques.
- Hojo Techniques (Overland, Hishi, Kikkou)
- Tengu Shibari
- Hojo Hishi (Extended)
- Semenawa & Stress Positions
- Tobutsuru Shibari
- Take (bamboo) Shibari
Who Can Participate: Anyone who has received previous training (Newbee – II).
Training Duration: 12 Hours
Our Nawa – III trainings will be given in classes of maximum 8 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.
Level 4 / Take IV
This is the training that can be taken after Nawa – III training. It forms the basis of advanced techniques. This training is tsuri (suspension) is an introduction to the techniques and styles of.
- Suspension Working with Ring
- Working with Suspensin Bamboo
- Suspension Creating connection points in Bamboo & Ring
- Suspension Line Control and Management
- Suspension Overview of Their Styles
- Suspension Attachment & Suspension Join
- Lift Techniques
- Partial Suspension
- Partial Suspension & Blindfolds
Who Can Participate: Anyone who has received previous training (Nawa – III).
Training Duration: 18 Hours
Our Take – IV trainings will be given in classes of maximum 8 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.
Level 5 / Baku V
This is the training that can be taken after Take – IV training. It forms the basis of advanced techniques. This training aims to help you find creativity and your own style together with previous teachings.
- Takatekote Anatomy
- Hishi Gote, Hishi Takate Kote
- Ushoro Takete Tasuki-Gake
- Osada Ryu Takate Kote
- Completion with Takate Kote
- Traditional TK
- Suspension Improved TK for
- Making an original TK
Who Can Participate: Anyone who has taken the previous training (Take – IV).
Training Duration: 24 Hours
Our Baku – V trainings will be given in classes of maximum 8 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.
Level 6 / Tsuri VI
This is the training that can be taken after Baku – V training. It is the beginning of advanced techniques. This training suspension, duo suspension and one suspension It aims to convey traditional methods of scene editing with modern techniques. At the same time, inversion, torsion, tension, transition, drop, drop lift tricks and basic practices will be conveyed in this training.
- Designing the Scene
- Hikyaku Tsuri
- Yoko Tsuri
- Kataashi Tsuri
- Ebi for Suspension
- Agura
- Fumo Tsuri
- Aomuke shibari
- Suspension Drop
Who Can Participate: Anyone who has received previous training (Baku – V).
Training Duration: 24 Hours
Our Tsuri – VI trainings will be given in classes of maximum 8 people. If the quotas are completed and if necessary, this training will continue on different dates and with different classes. If the quotas are not completed, our training classes will be open to applications until they are completed and the training dates will be planned according to the classes created.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.