Shibari Temel Eğitimi / İzmir
The purpose of this training is to acquire the first basic information integrated with the tools and equipment to be used.
- Origins of Shibari
- Anatomy, Health and Risks
- Limit ve Müzakere
- A Look at Rope and Rope Types
- Shibari ve İletişim
- Single & Double Column ties
- Single-Limb Techniques & Tips
- Simple Harness
- Pratik önerileri ve pratiklerin belirlenmesi (PDF olarak katılımcılarımıza gönderilecek ve yapmaları gereken pratikler e-posta yoluyla bildirilecektir.)
Who Can Participate: Anyone interested in Shibari.
Training Duration: 3 Saat
Eğitimlerimiz maksimum 10 kişilik sınıflar halinde verilecektir. Kontenjanların tamamlanması ve gerekli durumlarda bu eğitim farklı tarihlerde ve farklı sınıflarla devam edecektir. Kontenjanların tamamlanmaması halinde eğitim sınıflarımız tamamlanana dek başvuruya açık olacak ve eğitim tarihleri oluşturulan sınıflara göre planlanacaktır.
Participating in these trainings with your partner not mandatory.” For more information about our trainings to frequently asked questions You can look.
To get information about the techniques included in this training here you can click.
Important Notes:
- Taking into account the conditions in our country, our training calendar will be changed if necessary.
- Before attending our events, please our rules read.
- SerkanSenior Instructor
Our instructor, who has been interested in kinky practices and especially shibari since 1998, has been on international platforms and workshops, shared the same stage with various artists and started to give the first shibari trainings in our country in 2018 and has given many performances, workshops and private lessons to date.